About The Artist

Artist Statement

Hilary Zayed

Inspired by the process of healing and moving forward, both physically, emotionally and spiritually, my art is driven by colors, objects and belief systems, natural and made, that speak to this common human experience through art with writings that help move us forward. Piecing my own life together after surviving a brain injury, as if building a mosaic one shard at a time, I find meditative solace in hand cutting each tile, piece of glass, rock, and discarded item to alter its purpose into something that speaks to the process of reinventing not only my self, but that of the work of art it will eventually become.

Mixing the polar opposite worlds of organic and bling, creating with color, contrast, texture and eclectic tesserae and unusual objects, my art mirrors the inner core of our desire to tap into curative possibilities. I am drawn to the myriad forms of inspiration people find and the plentitude of possibilities the human experience utilizes and journey's towards to grasp healing properties after life altering experiences and present them through art and writings.

It is my hope the viewer will then in turn, share their experience.

-Hilary Zayed, Artist


December 2017--Brain Injury Voices member Hilary Zayed's writing and art were published in the digital magazine TBI Hope & Inspiration. Her article, Reflections on Life after Brain Injury, on page 22 is about coping with a hidden disability.

March 2016--Television Coverage of Brain Injury Voices' workshop "You CAN Get There from Here" Portland event focuses on surviving brain injuries

2014 Maine Brain Injury Conference video

Brain injury crafts are so much more than art

Brain Injury Voices project in Maine and Hilary Zayed

2013 "From Surviving to Thriving" Conference video

2013 Maine Brain Injury Conference, From Surviving to Thriving, Reinventing Oneself after Brain Injury

April 2013--Article in Diane Atwood's blog, Catching Health, Brain Injury: From Surviving to Thriving

March 2012--Article in Diane Atwood's blog Catching Health, Brain Injury Voices: Paying it Forward

2012 Finding Happiness after Brain Injury Workshop, Panel Discussion by Brain Injury Voices, Finding Happiness

MOZAIC MAMA · P.O. BOX 841 · SANFORD, ME 04073 · (207)467-5638

m o z a i c m a m a @ g m a i l . c o m