
Painting (oils, acrylic, and watercolor), the creative process itself, and the peace found in working with the beauty of the natural world bring me great joy. My specialty is custom-making all of my pieces to inspire an emotional connection between you and the art.

On this site you will find a variety of mosaic and mixed-media pieces, paintings, portraits, slates, and handmade jewelry. If you see something that intrigues or inspires you, please contact me. We'll explore your interests and create wonderful art together.

Piecing life together with love and laughter one shard at a time,
Hilary Zayed
aka Mozaic Mama

P.S. Here is a list of pieces and categories on the site to make the navigation process easier.


This is Mozaic Mama's studio where inspiration is drawn from the many exciting corners found in daily living, spirit and nature. Utilizing the glorious colors of stained glass I enjoy creating art and symbols that mirror our inner passions, touch the soul, and leave you with a smile. It gives me great pleasure to piece together these mosaics for you, adding a touch of whimsy when appropriate, and to create wonderful art and jewelry for you.

Maine Women int the Arts

More about the artist.

MOZAIC MAMA · P.O. BOX 841 · SANFORD, ME 04073 · (207)467-5638

m o z a i c m a m a @ g m a i l . c o m