Catalog of Art

The following pieces and categories are listed alphabetically with their page references:

  1. Apocalyptic - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  2. As I See It - Reinventing Oneself-Plan B
  3. Attitude - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  4. Attraction - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Leap of Faith, Home
  5. Blazing Heros - Paintings
  6. Blazing Heros Foundation - Mozaics
  7. Blooms Around The Barn - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Leap of Faith, Home
  8. Blue Bell Flower - Mozaics
  9. Blue Desert Horse - Totems
  10. Bright Bouquet - Paintings
  11. Buoys Afloat - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  12. Butterfly Mirror - Mozaics
  13. Calm - Calm, Reinventing Oneself
  14. Canadian Lynx - Canadian Lynx, Totems
  15. Cart of Flowers - Paintings
  16. Chaos - Mozaics
  17. Chasse Farm's Barn - Paintings, Home
  18. Coastal Maine - Paintings, Home
  19. Confabulation (false memories) - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  20. Confident Spirit - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  21. Confident Spirit 2 - Reinventing Oneself-Leap of Faith
  22. Crazy Quilt - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Leap of Faith
  23. Curling Up - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Repurposing
  24. Day of Solitude - Paintings
  25. Developing Confidence - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  26. Downeast Coast of Maine - Paintings, Home
  27. Drifting - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  28. Elephant Friends - Elephant Friends, Totems
  29. Embraced Tulips - Paintings, Home
  30. Fall in Maine - Paintings, Home
  31. Falling Into Winter - Paintings, Home
  32. Falling Leaves - Mozaics
  33. Fine Art
  34. Fire Within - Fire Within, Mozaics
  35. Floating Glass - Mozaics
  36. Flower Burst - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself
  37. Flower Child - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself
  38. Flowing - Paintings
  39. Flying Free - Reinventing Oneself, Totems
  40. Friends Going To Play - Totems
  41. Gerber Garden - Gerber Garden, Mozaics
  42. Ghost - The Spirit of Horses, Reinventing Oneself-Plan B
  43. Gifts From The Sea - Mozaics
  44. God-ess Great - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself
  45. Going Home - Paintings, Home
  46. Great Gray Owl - Totems
  47. Great Pretender - Reinventing Oneself-Plan B
  48. Greetings - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  49. Grow In Grace - Paintings, Home, Reinventing Oneself-Plan B
  50. Guiding Light - Guiding Light
  51. Happy Friends - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  52. Heart of Gold - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Plan B
  53. Heaven's Door - Mozaics
  54. Hidden from the Sea - Paintings
  55. It's Crazy Out There Mosaic Window - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  56. Journey - Mozaics, Home
  57. Juno Janus - Juno Janus, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  58. Karen and Her Winter Home - Paintings
  59. L'Chaim! To Life! - Mozaics, Home
  60. Laughing - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  61. Leap of Faith - The Spirit of Horses, Reinventing Oneself-Leap of Faith, Home
  62. Life Like A River - Life Like A River, Home, Mozaics
  63. Lone Wolf - Lone Wolf, Totems
  64. Loving - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  65. Maine Beach - Paintings
  66. Mardi Gras Flower - Mozaics, Home
  67. Meeting in the Woods - Totems
  68. Mermaid Tray - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Repurposing
  69. Metamorphosis - Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  70. Monhegan Island - Mozaics, Paintings
  71. Moonbeams Pathway - Mozaics, Home, Reinventing Oneself-Repurposing
  72. Moonlight Dance - Paintings
  73. Mosaiced Cat Scrapbook - Mozaics
  74. Mother Polar Bear With Cubs - Mozaics
  75. Mozaics
  76. My Brain - Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  77. Old Bart - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  78. Over Ogunquit - Mozaics, Home
  79. Paintings
  80. Parson's Beach Marsh - Paintings, Home
  81. Phantom - The Spirit of Horses
  82. Pinned - Paintings
  83. Playful Wolves - Playful Wolves, Totems
  84. Portland Head Light - Paintings
  85. Protection - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  86. Purplesetta - Mozaics, Home
  87. Recalculating - Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  88. Recovering Butterfly - Reinventing Oneself-Spring
  89. Reinventing Oneself
  90. Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  91. Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  92. Reinventing Oneself-Repurposing
  93. Reinventing Oneself-Plan B
  94. Reinventing Oneself-Leap of Faith
  95. Reinventing Oneself-Tears in a Bottle
  96. Reinventing Oneself-Spring
  97. Rough Waters - Paintings, Home
  98. Ruffled - Ruffled, Mozaics
  99. Running Away, Running Towards - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  100. Sacred Messenger - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  101. Sawtooth Flower - Mozaics, Home
  102. Second Chance - Reinventing Oneself-Leap of Faith
  103. Se'er - Se'er, Reinventing Oneself
  104. Shedding - Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  105. Snow Flower - Mozaics, Home
  106. Southern Exposure - Paintings, Home
  107. Spirit - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  108. Spring - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Spring, Home
  109. Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse outside Portland Maine - Paintings
  110. Starry Night - Paintings, Home
  111. Still Life - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab, Home
  112. Stormy - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  113. Summertime - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself
  114. Sun's Spirit - Sun's Spirit, Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself
  115. Suncatching Mirror - Mozaics
  116. Sunflowers - Mozaics
  117. Taking Flight - Reinventing Oneself-Recalculating Life After Rehab
  118. Tears in a Bottle - Reinventing Oneself-Tears in a Bottle
  119. The Other Side of the Looking Glass - Paintings
  120. Top O' the Mornin' Corners - Mozaics
  121. Totems
  122. Tree of Life - Mozaics, Home
  123. Trying To Fit In - The Spirit of Horses, Home
  124. Unwinding - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Repurposing
  125. Up From The Abyss - Reinventing Oneself-Repurposing, Home
  126. Van Gogh on Pastels - Paintings
  127. Vast Universe - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  128. Waiting for a Miracle - Mozaics
  129. Want To Stay Up and Play - The Spirit of Horses
  130. Webhannet in Wells - Paintings, Home
  131. What Goes Around - Mozaics
  132. What If? - Reinventing Oneself-Brain Injury Rehab
  133. When Gardens Dream - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself
  134. White Light Flower - Paintings
  135. Wild Horses - Wild Horses, Paintings, Reinventing Oneself, The Spirit of Horses, Totems
  136. Windy Wells Harbor - Paintings, Home
  137. Wondering: A Reflection/A Refraction - Paintings, Reinventing Oneself
  138. 3 Peas in a Pod - Mozaics, Reinventing Oneself-Repurposing


This is Mozaic Mama's studio where inspiration is drawn from the many exciting corners found in daily living, spirit and nature. Utilizing the glorious colors of stained glass I enjoy creating art and symbols that mirror our inner passions, touch the soul, and leave you with a smile. It gives me great pleasure to piece together these mosaics for you, adding a touch of whimsy when appropriate, and to create wonderful art and jewelry for you.

Maine Women int the Arts

MOZAIC MAMA · P.O. BOX 841 · SANFORD, ME 04073 · (207)467-5638

m o z a i c m a m a @ g m a i l . c o m